Nguvu Change Leaders call upon Odisha Chief Minister to launch free bus services for women  


Prachi Mishra and Pranay Manjari have written an Open Letter to CM Naveen Patnaik and will initiate a ‘Bus Yatra’ to highlight mobility challenges faced by women

On 8th March 2001, ‘Mission Shakti,’ an empowerment programme for women was initiated by the government of Odisha to promote Women’s Self-Help Groups (WSHGs) and create income-generating opportunities.

Despite the far-reaching impact of ‘Mission Shakti’, underserved women continue to face mobility challenges. Two Nguvu Change Leaders have now written an open letter to Shri Naveen Patnaik, the Chief Minister of Odisha to seek free bus services for women in Odisha.

Prachi and Pranay acknowledge the transformative impact of ‘Mission Shakti’ but emphasize that women must have an enabling environment to actively contribute to the state’s economy.

They feel that Odisha’s vast citizen power can be harnessed fully only if women can overcome social, logistical and financial barriers. The lack of affordable transport has deprived many women of easy access to education, healthcare and employment.

The 78th ‘Multiple Indicator Survey in India’ carried out by The National Sample Survey Office in March 2023, states that 57.4 percent of Odisha’s women in the age group of 15 to 29 years are not in education, employment or training.

“Through our Open Letter, we would like to highlight and share with the Chief Minister the fact that free-of-cost commute options could be a game changer in solving problems of mobility along with safety for women; opening for them inaccessible doors to education, employment and livelihoods. We truly believe the time has come to make Odisha gender equal in every sense so that each and every woman can add her might to the growth engine of the State,” Prachi and Pranay say.

NOTE – Nguvu Change Leaders and Co Founders of ‘Safe Odisha For Her’, Prachi Mishra and Pranay Manjari, will undertake a ‘Bus Yatra’ in Bhubaneswar on 30 January, 2024 to highlight the critical need for free bus services for women in Odisha.

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