msk accorded a grand welcome in Bhubaneswar


Bhubaneswar: Young YouTuber content creator Mohammad Salim Khan has been extended a warm welcome by his followers in Bhubaneswar.  This young man from Mumbai has won the hearts of billions of youngsters through YouTube.  He has many followers in Odisha.  Today Konark toured the Sun Temple in a self-driving car to visit world heritage sites in 19 states of India and meet his followers.  On the occasion of visiting 40 major cities of the country, he crossed 12 cities and reached Odisha.  Salim Khan aims to cover 15,000 kilometers in 135 days.  After Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Visakhapatna, it is scheduled to reach Bhubaneswar and then go to Kolkata.  He was accorded a grand welcome today at a function organized at Grand Lumbini, the gateway to his floors, Bhubaneswar.  Social worker and JJBA chairman Safdar Hasim, lawyer and Ahhar committee member Hasan Khan, social worker Lina Nandita Parida, actor Babu Raja attended the event as guests.  Salim said that he is very happy that he has been welcomed in Odisha and will come to Odisha in the coming days and visit all the historical places here and upload it on YouTube.  “I have traveled to many states and cities,” he added.  But the hospitality, love and affection received in Odisha will be remembered forever.

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